This is a ridiculous photo from a wedding I went to this summer. As you can see, I have three awesome sisters and one awesome mom and they live far, far away and I miss them...a lot. Lately I've been kind of sad that we don't get to see each other that much because whenever we get together, we have so much fun and turn into big dorks - as seen above. This feeling always happens after some big event like holidays or weddings. I just wish I could call one of them up on the phone to meet for tea or to go shopping. For now I guess I'll just have to count down til we all reunite for Thanksgiving. Ouf!
Here's what's on the list for the weekend:
Enjoy Some Burgers While Watching the Yankees Kick Butt Here
Bake a Carrot Cake - As Per Request
Have Brunch with a Friend Here
Work on Wedding Invitation Designs for the Shop
Begin the Dreaded Apartment Search