What a glorious weekend! My weekend was filled with orange-cranberry muffins, picnics in the park, dreams of California and repotting my plants that seem to be taking over my apartment. How did you spend the last two days? Recipe for muffins can be found here.
This weekend is going to be so nice here in New York. It's going to be a high of 73 and the sun will be a shining. Happy Spring everyone! Hope you have a lovely one. Photo here.
I've been reading Jena's blog Modish for a long time now. She recently opened her own vintage etsy shop. Since the weather has been so nice (about 70 degrees today!) I thought I'd treat myself to this little number. Won't it be perfect for a picnic in the park?
Seeing how I'm pretty darn Irish I've always loved this day. It's a good excuse to drink lots of beer, listen to Celtic music and perhaps do a little jig. Have a happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Print sold here.
What is glamping you say? It's pretty much like camping but with a little more glamour. For Brett's birthday, I reserved a "tent" if you will, for one of the nights we are in California. I'm so excited. Image and interesting article found here. Here are few camping inspired finds. Items going clockwise: vintage thermos,vintage boy scout handbook,vintage flashlightand vintage backpack
It's supposed to be a very rainy next couple of days. I'm hoping to get some etsy projects done, make some blueberry-lemon scones and do some pre-Spring cleaning. Spring's only one week away. Can you believe it?? Don't forget to change you clocks. Have you have a lovely weekend! Photo credit: unknown
I'm loving this nail polish over at Need Supply. The simple and chic packaging ain't so bad either. Winter always leaves my hands looking pretty awful but maybe one of these babies can help.
I've always found it to be quite boring to just give someone your number on a scrap of paper or just through a text message. Why not spice things up a bit and hand them over a colorful card? New calling cards have been added to the shop. There will be more design options in the next week or so.
For Valentine's Day/our anniversary Brett and I bought each other plane tickets to California. Around Memorial Day Weekend we're going to be flying into LA and then for 10 days we're going to drive up the coast to San Francisco and then possibly head over to Napa. I'm so excited. There are so many things I want to do/see. Does anyone have any recommendations for restaurants, hotels, etc? *The My Weekend post will have to be posted tonight since I wasn't able to upload them before work. Photo credits here and here.
Yay, Friday! What are you up to this weekend? I can't believe it but this weekend is my sixth year anniversary with Brett! It seems like yesterday that my college friends were trying set me up with him. They thought we had similar taste in music. I remember being all excited because I didn't know who he was. And even though we've been together for six years, I'm still that excited to be with him!
And since I'm being all gushy, make sure to check out the Westervin Giveaway. If you vote for them in the Ultimate Wedding Contest you get a chance to win an awesome necklace from Marañón. Just make sure to leave a comment in the post along with my name (if you don't mind of course). They have a really cute story and sound like a great couple.
About a year ago I bought these shoes from Free People.They are awesome shoes I just do too much walking in one day to where them. I've only worn them about 3 times. This weekend I'm going to be putting them up on ebay. They are a size 8. Let me know if you're interested.
Today's my boyfriend Brett's birthday. This morning I woke up early and blew up some balloons (I forgot how hard it is!) and made him some heart shaped pumpkin pancakes for breakfast. We sadly both had to run off to work. I can't wait til later - I have a few fun things planned but I can't say what since it's a surprise. Happy Birthday Babe!