Happy Friday everyone! After work today we'll be heading up to the cabin to celebrate our engagement/Fathers' Day with Brett's parents and sisters. There will be lots of wine, tennis and campfires! Have a great weekend!
and a tree falls in Brooklyn. Last week Brett and I were eating dinner when all of a sudden there was a loud crash outside our apartment. We went running to the window to find that a huge tree had cracked in half. Brett went down to check it out and take photos and found out that there was actually something under the tree. In the second photo you can see a Vespa. Turns out a poor woman was actually hit by the tree while riding her Vespa. Luckily, she walked away without any injury and just a few bruises. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time! Just another weird NYC day...
We're back from California and it was one of the most amazing vacations a girl could ask for! Let me tell you one of my favorite stories of the trip.
The third day of our vacation (we were still in LA) Brett suggested that we go to Griffith park to watch the sunset before we went to dinner. I was all for it since I had never been before. We got to the park and Brett was driving rather fast (hence the blurry picture). I told him to slow down but he said he didn't want to miss the sunset. We started walking up the trail and I was just taking pictures and taking in the scenery. The whole time Brett was really quiet (not like him at all). At one point I even asked him if he was feeling ok. He said he was just "taking it all in". So we kept walking... I asked Brett if I could take his picture. (Clearly, he looks very nervous and not like himself - notice hands in pockets.) Then we walked some more and as we were almost to the top of the mountain Brett asked if he could take my picture and I of course said yes... You may be wondering why I look weird and slightly confused in this photo. And that would be because while Brett was taking the picture he said "this is the very last photo of you as a single woman!" Brett proposed right then and there! I, of course, immediately started crying... ...and freaking out... ...and then we made many phone calls :) It was the most perfect place and was by far the most amazing feeling I've ever felt! It's been almost two weeks since we got engaged and I'm still just as giggly and still have the same amount of butterflies. I'm so happy and feel so lucky to be able to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. I love you Brett!!!